Students shall observe the General Regulation and other rules of discipline printed in the college Calendar. They shall also observe the regulations which the Management may frame from time to time. In particular, their attention is drawn to the following.

  1. Every Student should possess an Identity Card which should be produced whenever asked for by any staff member of the College

  2. Punctuality and regular attendance is insisted upon. Leave of absence from College should be applied for and obtained beforehand. Unforeseen absence must be justified on return to college. Absence from the College Examinations and at the reopening of classes after the holidays will not be tolerated. The students will not be admitted until their parents meet the Principal personally and explain the absence.

  3. DRESS CODE: Dress code must be strictly followed while in the college campus. Students should wear the college uniform on all working days.

  4. Attendance at Value Education Classes and Examination by all students is obligatory.

  5. Those who depend on public conveyance to come to college, should leave their homes early enough to avoid peak hours and be at the college well in time.

  6. Mobile phone is strictly prohibited within the classrooms and in the campus. If found, mobiles will be confiscated and will not be returned.

  7. Students are no allowed to bring Motor vehicles (including motorized two wheelers) to the college.

  8. Irregularities in attendance, insubordination, habitual inattention, and neglect of work, vandalism, obscenity in word or act are punishable by suspension or dismissal. Minor offences are punishable by a fine or loss of attendance.

  9. Books, Magazines, newspapers etc., not approved by the Principal, should not be brought to the college.

  10. Students are not expected to consume alcohol or use tobacco in any form on the college premises. If they do, they are liable to be dismissed.

  11. students should not join any Clubs or Societies or Unions or make any engagements that may interfere with their regular studies in the Collge, without the permission of the Principal. They are not allowed to play in any team against the college.

  12. Students should not take part in political agitation directed against the authority of the Government. They are also forbidden to engage prominently in any public movement without permission from the Principal.

  13. The College, though not responsible for the conduct of its students outside its premises, will take cognizance of any serious misconduct committed outside its premises.

  14. Students are required to live with parents, relatives, guardians or in hostels approved by the college authorities. Early in the first term, every student shall fill in a slip giving particulars of his place of residence in Mangalore.

  15. Attendance at classes and examinations, progress, as well as conduct of the student will be taken into consideration while recommending students for merit certificates, concession, scholarships, freeships, higher studies and employment.

  16. Educational tours and excursions are to be organized with the permission of the Principal. The parents will be informed of the date, place of visit, route and the amount to be contributed. For all such programmes, written permission of the parents is required.

  17. Those who indulge in ragging or encourage it will be dismissed from the college.

  18. Students staying in the Hostels or as Paying Guests must have a local guardian preferably a staff member of the college who will provide periodical report of the student to the Parent.