Mrs Charlotte D'Souza
Mrs Charlotte D'Souza has done M.A in Economics and at is working at St Aloysius Pre-University College.

Dr Pradeep M
Dr Pradeep M has done M.A in Economics, M.A in Political Science, B.Ed, Ph.D and at is working at St Aloysius Pre-University College.

Mr James Cyprian D’souza
is a post graduate in History and has 19 years of teaching experience .

Ms Maria Crystal D'Souza
Ms Maria Crystal D'Souza has done M.A and at is working at St Aloysius Pre-University College.

Ms Chandrakala P R
Ms Chandrakala P R has done M.A and at is working at St Aloysius Pre-University College.

Mrs Florine Rita D'Souza
Mrs Florine Rita D'Souza has done M.A in Political Science, M.A in Sociology, B.Ed and at is working at St Aloysius Pre-University College.

Ms Deepika B S
Ms Deepika B S has done M.A in Sociology, and at is working at St Aloysius Pre-University College.

Ms Sushma Pereira
Ms Sushma Pereira has done M.Sc in Psychology, and at is working at St Aloysius Pre-University College.

Ms Nirma D'Souza
Ms Nirma D'Souza has done MSW, PDHRM,PGDC and  is working at St Aloysius Pre-University College as a counselor.

Ms Smitha K
Ms Smitha K has done MSW. She has 4 years experience and at present is working at St Aloysius Pre-University College as a counselor. She has conducted research on Alcohol Addiction and HIV effected families and has participated in various workshops.