1 (a) Regular classes will be between 5 p.m. and 8-30 p.m. from Mondays to Saturdays.
(b) For each session, a bell is given 5 minutes in advance, After this bell the students should occupy their respective seats in the class room. After the second bell when the lecturers enter the class students are expected to stand respectfully in silence.
2 . All students should pray  in silence to obtain God’s light and help in the work before them. When the attendance roll is called out, each one rises and answers to his name.
3 Late comers can enter the class only if permitted by the lecturer. They may be marked present at the end of the hour only if there is sufficient reason for being late. Those who depend on public conveyance to come to the College, should leave their homes early enough to avoid peak hours and be at the College well in time.
4 During class, lecturer’s permission is needed to move away from one’s place or to leave the room.
5 (a) Punctual and regular attendance is essential for the formation of character and is therefore insisted upon. Leave of absence from College should be obtained from the concerned authority. Unforeseen absence must be justified on return before entering class with a note of excuse from the parent or guardian. A medical certificate should be furnished especially when a student is absent for a long time due to illness. A Medical certificate however does not entitle a student for attendance. The names of students who are absent continuously for 2 weeks without any notice will be struck off from the register.
Those who are deputed officially by the College to participate in academical, cultural, sports activities etc. should hand over to the class guide a note of deputation signed by the concerned teacher.
(b)Serious notice will be taken of absence without leave from the College examinations and at the re-opening of classes after the holidays. In the case of illness, the production of a medical certificate shall be required.
Parents have to inform of the absence of their ward on the same day of the examination.
6 . Irregularity in attendance, insubordination, discourtesy to Staff members, habitual inattention and late coming, neglect of work, obscenity in word or act will be punishable by permanent or temporary dismissal. Minor offences are punishable by a fine or loss of attendance.
7 The College does not hold itself responsible for the conduct of its students outside its premises. In justice to itself however, it takes cognizance of any serious mis-conduct of its students committed outside its premises and should any serious charge be fairly substantiated, the guilty shall be punished according to the gravity of the offence.
8 Progress reports of students will be issued after every test and exam. They will be either handed over to the parents in person or will be sent by post.
The applications of the students whose progress, based on the performance in the terminal examinations, is not satisfactory will not be recommended to the PUC Board.
9 Students attending class or other gatherings within the College are expected to be neatly dressed in accordance with the rules of approved etiquette.
10 Every student must salute the members of the Staff on the occasion of his/her first meeting for the day.
11 Books, Magazines, newspapers etc., not approved by the Principal, are not allowed to be brought to the College.
12 Every student should posses an identity card issued by the College which should be produced whenever asked for, specially when dealing with the office and library.
13 I PUC student who copy (malpractice) in College Exams will not be admitted to II PUC and II PUC students will not be allowed to appear for the Final Examinations.
14 Students are not permitted to bring self-driven vehicles to the College.
15 Students who habitually steal or rob will be dismissed from the College
16 We do not wish to see students consuming alcohol or using tobacco in any form on the College premises. If they do so they will be summarily dismissed
17 Books, Umbrellas etc. should have a name or mark by which the owner can be easily known; all stray or unclaimed property should be brought to the Evening College office.
18 Students are required to live either with relatives or guardians or in a hostel or lodging house or rooms approved by the College authorities. Residing in hotels is not permitted
19 Students must not be in any club or society or make any engagements that may interfere with their studies without the Principal’s permission. They are not allowed to play in any team against the College.
20 Students are not allowed to take part in political agitation directed against the authority of Government. They are also forbidden to engage prominently in any public movement without permission from the Principal. They are further desired to observe all the disciplinary regulations which the management may frame from time to time.
21 Games, specially basketball on the premises cease at 6 p.m.
22 Catholic students are advised to frequent sacraments at least every week.
23 Letters officially addressed to the Principal should enclose reply postage. Only official letters will be handed over to the students. Private letters will be re-directed to the home or hostel address.
24 Attendance at classes and examinations, progress, as well as the conduct of the student will be taken into consideration while recommending students for merit certificates, concessions, scholarships, higher studies, jobs as well as for representing the College in extra-curricular activities. Those who absent themselves without permission or fail in the examinations, will be deprived of any scholarship or prize they may enjoy.
25 Students are not authorised to collect donations from public for any of the College activity without the permission of the Principal.
26 Educational tours are to be organised with the prior permission of the Principal. For all such programmes written permission of the parents is required.
27 The students are not permitted to celebrate any religious festivals within the College campus without the prior permission of the Principal.
28 Students are not to use the Internet Lab. by skipping any classes.
29 Students should compulsorily have minimum 75% attendance in I PUC to get admission to II PUC.
  30 Mobile Phone is strictly prohibited within the classroom and in the campus. If found, mobiles will be confiscated, and will not be returned.  
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