Your model in this college is St Aloysius Gonzaga after whom the College is named. This 16th century prince, heir to the throne of the marquisate of Gonzaga in Italy, had at his disposal everything he could have desired in life. But inspired by a deep spirit of faith and moved by a deep love for his fellow persons, at the age of 18 he abdicated his rights and entered the Jesuit Order to be a religious whose wealth would be God alone and whose happiness would be the service of others. While Aloysius was still in training there was a plague in Rome. Victims of the plague had no hope of recovery and were being abandoned everywhere for fear of contagion. The youthful Aloysius, who was then 24, rose up to the occasion with his companions and immediately set about caring for the sick and the dying, risking his own life. The risk, however was too great, Aloysius became a victim of the disease and died in the midst of his noble work, offering his life as a sacrifice for others. It is the example of his life, pure and noble, not seeking the glories of this world but genuinely concerned about the good of others- that is proposed to you as a model here.


St Aloysius Pre- University College is managed by the Mangalore Jesuit Educational Society which is registered under the societies’ Registration Act, 1860 and admits students without discriminating against any religion, caste or creed. It seeks to establish a congenial environment in which those of diverse cultural backgrounds and religious beliefs can participate in the community, in the spirit of co- operation and mutual respect.

Jesuit Education aims at that full growth of the human person which leads to transformative action suffused with the presence and spirit of Jesus Christ, the Man-for-others. Under the enlightened leadership of Very Rev Fr Adolfo Nicolas SJ, the superior General of the Society of Jesus, Jesuits all over the world are carrying on sustained and systematic work of imparting integral education inspired by the principles of St Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the society of Jesus who aimed at forming men and women for others who would be academically excellent, morally strong, ethically upright, emotionally rich, spiritually deep, culturally well integrated, socially sensitive and deeply dedicated to their duty, to their families , to their nation and to the whole world, with a preferential option for the poor, the oppressed and the disadvantaged.

Rev Fr Adolfo Nicolas SJ
The Superior General of the Society of Jesus

All this sustained and systematic service is at the disposal of all people without any discrimination whatsoever, but with a special preference for the economically poor, socially marginalized, politically powerless, educationally deprived and culturally oppressed. The college traces its origins to 1880 when some European Jesuits, who had landed in Mangalore three years earlier, put up a college for the education of Catholic Youth.


St. Aloysius college, Mangalore, begun as a small institution serving a few hundred students more than 130 years ago, has today grown into a complex educational enterprise, with various units scattered all over the sprawling campus, where more than 10,000 students, boys and girls pursue their studies in various disciplines. Indeed the educational service rendered here is only a small part of the vast, worldwide endeavour being carried forward by about 19,000 Jesuits in 100 countries; of whom 4000 are in India, and 280 in Karnataka where there are 8 colleges, 13 PU colleges, 8 high schools, 8 primary schools, 1 teacher training institute, 3 technical training institutes, 6 social service centers, a large number of adult literacy non-formal educational units, child labour schools and skills training units.


While the institution is primarily at the service of the Catholic minority, its doors, nevertheless are open to all irrespective of caste, creed and culture.  


All educational endeavour in this institution is warmly founded on the values of Jesus Christ as embodied and exemplified in the person of St Aloysius Gonzaga, the model and patron of our students, and expressed in the motto ‘Lucet  Et Ardet’, to shine and Enkindle.



To keep before you always the aims of your education in this college and the heights to which you must aspire, you have the crest and the Motto of this Institution,

On the right half of the shield-like crest you have three soaring eagles, reminding you not to be satisfied with mediocrity but aim truly high  in intellectual, physical and spiritual development; you have also a jumping Lion symbolic of the vigour and boldness you must cultivate.

To the left half of the Crest, you have the sun shining over the west coast

Every student who passes through the portals of this institution must be like the sun, illumining and contributing to the growth of the people in this land. When you look back at the college Crest, in the centre of the rising sun, there are the letters IHS. This is the abbreviation of the name of Jesus (which in Greek is written as I H S U S). That name is symbolic of the deepest faith in God, the deepest commitment to humanity and the readiness to sacrifice everything, even one’s life for others.  


The Motto of this institution is ‘Lucet et Ardet’. These Latin words which mean ‘Shine to Enkindle’ refer to the mind and heart. It is the deep desire of this Alma Mater to present to our nation and to the world men and women with minds bright with knowledge and creativity, and hearts burning with genuine love and concern for others.

May your life measure up to the expectation of this Motto.


Empowering youth through excellence in education to shape a better future for humankind.


St Aloysius Institutions of the Mangalore Jesuit Educational Society, inspired by the person and mission of Jesus Christ, and guided by the motto “Lucet et Ardet”,(Shine to Enkindle) commit themselves to spread the light of knowledge and wisdom and to kindle the ardor of faith that does justice by forming men and women for others, who are academically accomplished, emotionally balanced, morally upright, socially responsible, ecologically sensitive and professionally dedicated, so that they are a powerful force for the transformation of society.


The Institutions which the Society of Jesus has founded and nartured have always insisted on integral formation and spare no effort to produce balanced persons in the best sense of the term. In keeping with this tradition, the college has one primary goal: to form persons into men and women of competence, compassion, Conscience and Commitment. A person who has passed out of this institution must be one who acts justly and humanely and with integrity towards others. The College directs its educational efforts to help students develop as critically reflective and socially responsible persons capable of exercising leadership in advancing the cause of human good in the world:

·   With values of excellence in learning, co- operation, service, dedication and leadership

·   With genuine religious and moral values

·   With a practical awareness of prevailing social conditions and a commitment to the cause of Justice

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